Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

You sign up with your unique building code. When you are ready to return something, send purchase or return details to your return concierge. Drop your item in the box. We pick it up and process-box-tape-ship for you. We keep you informed all along the way. Merchant provides you with a refund according to their policies

What if you can’t return it?

If you can return it, we can return it. We act on your behalf to get the item back to the merchant. And we are pretty darn good at it. If the item is not returnable, for any reason, we will arrange to get you the item back within a week.

What if someone else steals my item before you pick it up?

Don't worry - if your item gets lost or stolen before getting back to the merchant, we will provide the refund to you. We have an agreement with your community that the box will be in a secure area, and can reference surveillance footage to see how the item went missing.

Do I need to box it?

No! You don’t need to box, tape or label it. Provide us the details and we will get it done. However, if you happen to have the perfectly sized box or bag, we’d love to use it. If it came with a return label, you can snap a picture or put it with your item.

Which merchants do you return to?

All of them! If it’s a merchant that YOU can return to, then WE can do it on your behalf. We will communicate with you throughout the process to make sure we have the necessary information to complete the return. For example, you may need to generate a QR code, from the merchant, and send it to us in order for us to be able to complete the return.